Building and Custom Directory Signs
Directories can be made using vinyl lettering or machine-engraved plastic. There are many styles to choose from. A custom logo can be applied on the sign with spaces for directory strips that slide in and out. We can also make large directories with ADA Braille for meeting or banquet rooms.
We can combine plastics or metals with vinyl lettering, graphics and machine engraving. We can even manufacture directory strips for a sign that you already have.

Blade Signs
Blade signs can be single- or double-sided and are hung from doorways, overhangs or the sides of buildings. They can be made in different shapes and from a variety of materials. We can produce any style and size based on your needs. (Some cities have regulations about where and what type of signs can be used; if you aren't sure about the requirements you can check your local municipal code. Many codes are now found online.)